Create the winning PEM cheer and win an iPod nano!
1. Create a cheer for our PEM Awareness Campaign.
2. The cheer must reference the PEM and contain an explanation of some aspect of the PEM. You may refer to the FAQs of the PEM for inspiration.
3. Be creative, but please refrain from vulgar and inappropriate language; let's keep it G-rated!
4. One entry per person, please.
5. Submit your cheer electronically to [email protected]. You must use your official Sherman college e-mail account to submit your cheer.
6. Cheer submissions will be accepted March 14 - March 23, 2007.
7. The cheers will be reviewed by the QEP development team and narrowed down to three contenders.
8. The winning cheer will be chosen by the student body during a special assembly on April 9th.
9. The contest is open to all students and employees with the exception of the cheer team members and the QEP development team members.
The PEM cheer team will use your cheer during the first few weeks of next (Spring) quarter to help promote the PEM.
*Prize information: the iPod nano to be awarded is a 2GB silver unit. Learn more about the iPod nano.